Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Curly Girl In Me

I want you to check it this amazing website:  She makes fabulous art:

These are some of my favorites.  I have purchased a lot of her cards and put them up in my room in my apt--I plan to use these to put up at my desk too.  I love them!  And each of these peer a little bit more into how I'm feeling right now.  The website has a ton of stuff and makes a great Christmas gift--there are so many different quotes to choose from!

Chicago in 3 days and NC in a little over two weeks!  Time is FLYING.  I feel like it was my birthday just yesterday.  It's great though--I'm ready to be in the same state as Sam again!

Here's to short work weeks and spending the holidays with people we care about.  And if we can't be with them, make sure we still keep them in our hearts.  (Can you tell I'm really sad about not spending Thanksgiving with Sam??  It really hit me hard today).

Be well. xo


  1. Hi Alex! Long time no see/chat, but I was super excited when I found your blog - I feel like I can get a peek into your life post-BHS. God that was forever ago wasn't it?

    Anyway, I love this art -- my mom surprised me with the 3rd one (the packing up potential) when I moved to Atlanta a few months ago... I'm still looking for the perfect place to put it in my apartment, but I love it so much.

    Good luck in NYC!

  2. Alex! I have the one about a a cute pair of shoes and changing a few things! My mom gave it to me when I left for graduate school. Super awesome! I love that the bag is yellow and says "pluck" so great.

  3. Jenn!

    Great to hear from you. Yes, BHS feels like a lifetime ago. Congratulations on graduation and on your move to Atlanta! The south is the best place on earth and I promise you'll never want to leave it! Best of luck to you!

    Of course you love the yellow one...would any other color suffice??
