Monday, November 21, 2011



I've taken some time off of my blog lately--it's been a season of growth and change and I've been trying to live through each moment.  To breathe and appreciate each day--a practice that I think I've forgotten since I moved to New York.  I'm hoping to blog soon--I've been writing over and over in my head piecing together things that I want to bring to the table for conversation.

That post is coming very soon, but in the interim I wanted to share something special that speaks to me.

I started watching "The Ellen Show" per the recommendation of my beloved Currie.  We were talking one day and he made a comment about how I'd love it and he was surprised that I didn't watch it regularly.  I've always been a fan of Ellen DeGeneres, but I've never really watched a talk show before.  Well, I've been watching this show, and Currie was right--this show brings me pure joy.  I love Ellen.  I love what she stands for and her kindness makes my heart so warm.  To see her give so much is incredible.  She lives each moment.  She's kind.  And she makes people laugh.

I recently finished Seriously...I'm Kidding, her newest book and it's incredible.  Honestly, if you're looking for something to read, add that to your list.  Push it to the top.  Stop what you're reading now and read her book instead.  It's that great.

I wanted to share an excerpt from her book--I've pieced it together, but it's all in the same chapter and it speaks to what I try to practice:

"Be happy.  Do things that make you happy within the confines of the legal system.  Do things that make you feel good and proud.  It can be almost anything.  Contribute to the world.  Help people.  Help one person.  Help someone cross the street today.  Help someone with directions.  Help someone who's trying to help you.  Just help.  Make an impact.  Show someone you care.  Say yes instead of no.  Say something nice.  Smile.  Make eye contact.  Hug.  Kiss.  Get naked.  Laugh.  Laugh as much as you can.  Laugh until you cry.  Cry until you laugh.  Emote.  It's okay.  It shows you are thinking and feeling.  Find out who you are and figure out what you believe in.  Even if it's different from what your neighbors believe in and different from what your parents believe in.  Stay true to yourself.  Have your own opinion.  Don't worry about what people say about you or think about you.  Let the naysayers nay.  They will eventually grow tired of naying.  I believe with all my heart and soul that even if we try the teeniest tiniest bit we can make this world a much happier and healthier one.  And if we try even harder, we can do some pretty spectacular things."

Pretty terrific, isn't it?

Wishing you the very best Thanksgiving.