Thursday, July 8, 2010

Moots Is Here!

My friend Megan (Moots) arrived yesterday from North Carolina.  I couldn't pick her up from the airport because Currie and I (being the geniuses we are) decided to get up super early and stand in line for standing room only tickets to FENCES.  We arrived there to a veryyyyyyy long line and a hot hot summer day.  Megan met up with us while in line and long story short...we didn't see the show.  However, last night we rushed LA CAGE AUX FOLLES and it was EXCELLENT.  If you haven't seen that show you should get out there.  And really, there isn't an excuse to not see theatre these days.  Most Broadway shows offer a rush or lottery to get tickets for $25.  $25 to see a show on Broadway?  You should be RUNNING to get that kind of deal.

We spent the rest of the day showing Megan the city and running around.  And then saw the show and stayed after to meet the cast.  It was great.  But we got home late and stayed up talking even later.  Awesome awesome night, but getting up early this morning was rough.  I had an interview for a job this early morning and I got really excited about it.  It seems like an AWESOME place, but I find out Monday and will keep you posted.  My dear sweet mother is continually staying positive and trying to motivate me--for this I am eternally grateful.  When you run around applying everyone you can get down.  I'm lucky to have family to lift me up again.  Not that I'm even down!  Because I'm not!  I know that there are good things out there and I won't give up.  I'm not a quitter.  Never have been.  And of all times, I do not plan on starting now.

Megan wants to see NEXT TO NORMAL tonight.  I hear that the show is incredible.  Alice Ripley is about to leave and so now is the time to see it!  That's what I love most about New York.  There are so many awesome things to see.  And new shows are always popping up.  That is my favorite thing about New York--people really do love theatre.  It is so awesome.

Here's to good theatre, good friends, and sweet summer nights!


  1. Good luck to you Alex! The energy of NYC is so great and there are so many opportunities too! A great place to get tickets without having to stand in line is sign up for free and they will send you super deals! Enjoy your time and say Hi to Mayor Bloomburg for me!

  2. Hi Alex! Tina here...I know your Momma is THRILLED that you are finding things, (especially theatre),to be fantastic...but you are missed...
    Love you, ts
