I spent today working on stuff for the Fringe. I was asked to do some marketing for a piece that is going up in the New York City Fringe Festival--FringeNYC (check out their website at www.fringenyc.org). For the piece that I am working on I was asked to do it by a group called The 8o'Clocks. It's a group of alums from UNCG who started this company and Emily Rieder (a playwright/actor and company member) wrote this kick ass play called AS I AM FULLY KNOWN. Our performance dates are the following:
SAT 8/14 @ 5:15 – 7:15
MON 8/16 @ 5 – 7
THUR 8/19 @ 9:30 – 11:30
FRI 8/27 @ 8 – 10
SUN 8/29 @ 2:30-4:30
All of the performances take place at La Mama Theatre (located at 74 E 4th St) so I do hope that you will join us.
My friend Currie is spending his summer in New York. He's one of my best friends and plans to be a movie star within the next 10 years so be watching out for him. Currie and I met during my sophomore year and his freshman year of college. We weren't fast friends by any means. In fact, if he were to tell you the story, he would tell you that I started our friendship based on a lie. Which is not really true. The story goes that our department was playing Assassins and I was trying to lure Currie into someone's trap. So lie? Yes. No. Maybe. It was in the name of the game. Currie and I quickly recovered and have spent the past four years talking pop culture, theatre, movies, and just generally anything and everything. This past spring he auditioned to be on "Glee" and I helped him get the word out about it. His local Fox network from him hometown was looking for their "Next Glee Star" and I thought Currie was it. So Currie created an audition tape and I made sure anyone and everyone voted for him because the person with the most votes got an opportunity to go to Fox studios, create an audition tape (which was edited by Fox), and then have it sent off to the producers of the show. I Facebooked, Tweeted, emailed, and just talked to people about this awesome opportunity. He won the contest and went on to film his audition tape with Fox. He'll find out later this summer if he gets a callback. Anyway, like I was saying, Currie's up here for the summer just hangin' out and loving the city. His mom and brother came up this weekend to see him. Such lovely people. It great to see them.
What does this Monday night have in store for you? Personally, I am excited to curl up and watch "The Bachelorette"...my absolute guilty pleasure. I just can't get enough it.
I have some friends coming up in the next few weeks so if you have any ideas on fun things to do in the city please let me know!
Keep cool out there...it is sooo damn hot!
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