Saturday, July 31, 2010

Remember To Say I Love You

Remember to say "I love you"--seriously.  I think that too often we forget.  On that note--only say it when you truly mean it.  But when you are lucky enough to find that partner, friend, or family member that you love--TELL THEM!  Because you never know when it might be your last time.  A friend of mine found out earlier this week that a friend of hers just lost his life in Afghanistan.  She shared with me the news link, which showed this man's family.  One of the things that brought them comfort in this time was the fact that they had just talked to him the night before he was killed and he seemed in high spirits, and they exchanged "I love yous."  The following day he was killed in a car bombing.  In an instant so many lives were changed forever.  Remember to say "I love you."  I think that we take people for granted too much.  And I don't even think that it's something we do purposely.  And we don't realize the gift of their presence until they are gone.  And even just being apart for a certain amount of time.  These people that we have found along our journey in life are such special gems.  You are lucky to have one person to really understand you.  And I mean they really get you.  I take myself for example.  I'm an oversensitive and stubborn person.  My dad is always telling me that I'm too sensitive.  My response to this is always the same--I can't help the way that I feel.  And yes, I can try to not be so sensitive when I'm with him, but you get to a point where you just can't help it!  I'm also super stubborn, which is pointed out to me every day.  I do it because I am always happier when the people I am with are happy, but sometimes the conflict of wanting to please each other is incredibly annoying.  I'm many more things than oversensitive and stubborn, but let's start there.  These two things are things that I am constantly working on and things that people take on when they become a part of my life.  I have never been one to hide my feelings (that oversensitive side always just rears it's ugly head) so people always know how I am feeling.  This can be incredibly annoying.  These people who I love, love me beyond that.  And that takes commitment!  Let's be real!

All of this just kind of hit me tonight.  So here's what I say to you--take those people in your life who are really something.  The people who you want to invest your guts into--and do it.  Put your whole self into these people.  Love them, pray for them, laugh with them, cry with them.  Take them out to lunch when they've had a bad day.  Take them out to lunch when they are having the best day of their life.  Remember their birthday.  Bake them cookies because you love them.  And when they invite you to dinner bring a bottle of wine and a big hug.  Send them notes in the mail.  Look them in the eyes and tell them you love them, appreciate them, and that you realize how lucky you are to have this relationship.  What I have learned is that if you put yourself--your time, effort, love, care, and compassion into people you will receive the greatest gift from it--because the gift of friendship is priceless.  And when that person really appreciates who you are there is no better feeling in the world.

Go out into the world and spread love!  And smile at people!  It will turn their entire day around.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

House of, Apartment of Hosts

Well, Samantha's departure this morning officially marks the end to my summer visitors.  It's weird just having my room to myself.  And living with just one other person.  But it is peaceful to just be able to close my door and have some alone time.  I LOVE having visitors, but I also love being able to curl up and watch a movie every once in awhile.

Samantha's visit was an excellent one.  We got to sit and talk and just catch up.  We spent time running around the city and exploring, but some of the moments that I loved most were the ones just spent talking on the subway while getting from place to place.  I have always appreciated Sam's thoughts and wisdom.  I think that she has such an awesome outlook on the world and I really do take to heart what she says.  The fall she ventures to Africa where she will spend the quarter exploring such an incredible part of the world.  Or at least it seems incredible.  I have never been, but would LOVE the opportunity to take a trip to Africa.

The job hunt continues for me--if you or anyone you know has any sort of offerings please pass them along my way.

This afternoon I'm meeting a friend from high school for coffee--it's so awesome to think that we both ended up in this city.  I didn't know her that well in high school, but I am excited to see her and catch up and get her take on this city.  She's been here for about 5 years--went to NYU and was a year ahead of me in school.

This morning Currie and I saw "The Kids Are All Right"--it was a great film and we got up early to see it.  It's only $6 if you catch the matinee price (which of course is before 11:00)...!  He and I both very much enjoyed it.

Last night Samantha and Currie saw NEXT TO NORMAL.  We all did the lottery and of course the one time I plan on not going I win.  I gladly gave them my tickets and then headed over a few blocks to join one of the theatre groups I am a part of, Project Rushmore, in their reading of ANGELS IN AMERICA.  I don't think I can give the reading justice--it was an incredible reading!  So well done.  Such a fantastic group of actors.  If you don't know--the play is very long and so if it's not done well it can be hard to sit through.  This was no such case.  I was so impressed with every single person involved.  And I am so proud to be a part of Project Rushmore.  It is a wonderful group of individuals who are very talented and vary in age as well as theatre offerings (writers, actors, directors, etc).  This group is a gift.

And so on that note I say to you--go out and find something that you love and contribute to it.  And if you have already found it then take a step back and remember what it is that you love so much about it.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Yo, it's Samantha's last night in town.  I'll holla at you tomorrow and get you in the loop...ya dig?

While you pine away at my departure...check this out:  --it's the a company I'm working with (made of UNCG alum!!)


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Don't Want To Be An American Idiot and BITTERSWEET IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many things happening in July!  Seriously!!  First, Samantha is here.  Yes.  Gal Sam.  Here in the Big Apple.  It's great to see her!  She is also the reason that I didn't post yesterday (sorry...)...ANYWAY, hello, old friend.  I sincerely hope that you are doing oh-so-well.  An update on the past few days...:

Saw FELA! yesterday--INCREDIBLE.  Oh my gosh!  FELA! FELA! GO GO GO!!!!!!!!  So great.  So much African culture.  And it just makes you want to DANCE!  After the show we went to the Food Emporium for drinks and a loaf of bread and couldn't help but move and groove through the aisles.  Truly an incredible show!!  The student rush tickets are a mixed bag---some are awesome and some do cater to obstructed views.  However, the performance is electric.

Sam and I saw AMERICAN IDIOT tonight--we won the raffle!!  You can't spend $25 better.  Seriously.  Anyway, we sat in the front row and it was AWESOME.  The show is very political, but I appreciate that. I'm not saying that I agree or disagree with it's political agenda, but what I will say is that I LOVE that an artist is able to express themselves through theatre.  It is why we do theatre!  To make a statement about something!  To talk about something that we are passionate about!  The show felt more like a rock concert than a Broadway show.  AND Sam and I both got guitar pics at the end from some of the performers.  The show is incredible because every single person up there is working their ass off.  Every.  Single.  Person.  Awesome awesome.

Also, in other excellent news, "Bittersweet" by Shauna Niequist just came out!  It's her second book.  Her first, "Cold Tangerines" is my absolute favorite book.  Each of the books are about experiences that she has had--the book is broken down into short little stories, and talks about her experiences and what she learned from them.  Incredible.  I am not giving the book justice in my description.  I am a very lucky girl though...because I have had a galley since MAY!  That's right.  Sam (boyfriend Sam that is) did an incredible thing for my graduation gift.  He contacted Shauna.  Told her how much I loved "CT" and how much I would cherish any sort of thing she could give me (he was thinking one of her stories), and she responded to him!  How amazing is she?  And not only did she send him one story, but the entire book AND she also wrote me a card for my graduation.  How amazing is my boyfriend?  How amazing is she?  Amazing, amazing, AMAZING...I am so blessed.

So here's what I have to tell you--go pick up "Cold Tangerines" and then grab "Bittersweet"--they will do wonders for your soul.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It Happened In A New York Minute...

...or at least that's how I feel about Sam's visit.  I feel like he got here and left a few hours later.  I just got home from the airport, cleaned, and now here I am.  I have two meetings today, but wanted to share Sam's visit.

He got here on Saturday evening.  Currie and I went to pick him up via train to bus to airport.  I hate taking the bus.  All that stop/go/stop/go makes me carsick.  But it was worth every minute to see Sam--dressed exactly as I thought he would be in shorts and a polo.  There is something so comforting about knowing that kind of stuff.  We took a cab back to my apt, dropped off his bag, and then went to Blockheads (famous for their $3 margs)...and so we had a few $3 margs...and then walked back to my apt.  It was great.  We spent the evening talking and catching up and just looking at each other!!  Sam is at camp so we rarely even get to video chat.  I know, I take video chatting for granted because it's such a new thing, but it's GREAT!!  Anyway, we woke up Sunday and hung out, went to Union Square and that night we saw FUERZA BRUTA, an off-Broadway show that we got an excellent deal on the tickets.  I had wanted to Sam to see this show for such a long time because I thought that it was something he would really enjoy and when the offer came along for discount tickets we jumped at them. FUERZA BRUTA is an amazing show where you are standing the entire time and constantly moving throughout the space while the performance happens in front, around, and above you.  After the show we walked around a little bit more and came back and crashed.  On Monday, Sam and I went to The Cloisters--off the A train at 190th St.  See the picture in my previous post to get an idea.  If you haven't been there and you live in NYC then you need to go!  It's this incredible park--and you don't even feel like you are in the city!  I had been up there previously and knew that it would be something that Sam would really enjoy.  On Tuesday we saw JERSEY BOYS...what a FUN show!!  The show is all about Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.  We got student rush tickets and sung the night away.  And then Sam left this morning :(.  It was so sad to see him go.  We are planning to see each other again in September--our one year anniversary and my birthday, but until then it will be back to our daily evening phone call and a few texts here and there.  When Sam is at camp he has terrible cell service and so we aren't able to communicate often.  It makes me realize how much we take advantage of communication.

So there it is--my past few days.  Sam has come and gone, but it was such a wonderful visit.  And the countdown to September begins!

In other best friend from high school is making her way out to NYC TOMORROW!  Samantha will be here for a few days and staying with me for a night or two.  I am so excited to see her. She's an awesome person and someone who I am so proud to call a friend.  A sick and funny story...Samantha has a sister, Jo.  Sam (my boyfriend) has a brother, Joe...HOW WEIRD!!!!!!!!  Samantha and I met while working on THE MIRACLE WORKER in high school.  I was Assistant Directing and she was understudying Annie Sullivan.  The rest is pretty much history.  And we have both put in quite the effort to keep up with each other over the years.  I'm excited to see her and catch up and enjoy the city with her.

Ok, so there it really is--that's what's been going on.  :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Cloisters!!

Can you believe this is in New York City?!?!?!  It doesn't feel real!

Sam got here safe and sound and we've been spending time just being together and exploring the city.  I'll update more soon!

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Lucky One

My boyfriend Sam comes tomorrow to visit for a few days!  It's the first time we've seen each other since I moved to the city and I don't think I could be more excited to see him.  I'll probably squeeze all of the air out of him and cry out of pure joy that I am holding him.  Smelling him.  Looking into his blue eyes.  Sam and I have been through a lot.  We were friends first and for a very long time.  Finally, we started dating.  Our friends always saw it coming.  I suppose in many ways I did too.  We just weren't quite ready for awhile.  I think that being friends first worked in our favor.  I knew what I was getting into with him.  And he knew what he was getting into with me.  I love Sam because I always feel that I am at my best when I am with him.  It's interesting because we both are hard workers, but we approach things so differently.  I love that.  I can talk with him about anything--it's one of the things I love most about our relationship.  We are open and up front about how we feel and whatever is going on in our head.  It cuts through the bullshit and gets to the heart of the matter--and that's how I like to live my life.  When I am with Sam I feel like I'm home (if that makes sense).  He makes me feel beautiful and makes me laugh.  All is right in my world when he holds my hand.  Sam loves me for who I am.  That sounds so simple, but it is so much more than that.  Every day I watch these couples on the subway, or at a store and one of them tries to manipulate the other to be who they want them to be.  Sam loves me for me.  I could gush more, but I think you get the picture.

Tonight I saw We Outran The Sun a piece created and performed by Matt Carlson.  It was a multimedia piece which used videos that interviewed his friends and then he performed a song, which he wrote, about them.  The piece was my ultimate theater experience.  I love things like that and I enjoyed every minute of it.  What I loved most about it was the different people that he interviewed.  And that even though he may not keep in touch with some people as much today as he did 10 years ago, they are still such important people, and so important into making him who he is today.  It runs for two more days and I encourage you to check it out and get there if you have the time.  It reminded me how lucky I am to have such wonderful friends and that even though a lot of time has gone by, friendships never truly end.

Sam gets in tomorrow at 6:33 pm.  18 hours to go!  I can't wait.  I'll let you know how his visit goes. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

SoHo and Becca!

It's been a rainy few days here in the city.  The first real rain since I've been up here (I think)--at least the first time I've heard thunder.  I love the rain from inside while watching a movie or reading a book while curled up in bed.  I hate the rain when I am walking through it.  Regardless, it's been a rainy few days here in the city.

I had a Fringe meeting yesterday and we discussed our upcoming party.  We want to have a party where we can make some money to funnel back into our group.  We were thinking a bar with a cover charge and raffle prizes?  Your thoughts?  Have you been to any great parties lately?  Please share your ideas because we would love to make it a splash!

After dinner I got a text message from my friend Michael.  Michael is a professor at UNCG and just an awesome person.  He's in New York for a few days and so we met for a late dinner and then walked around for a good long while.  It was great to see him and catch up and swap stories about everything that's been going on.

Today I met Becca and SoHo.  I love that neighborhood of New York.  It's just so pretty and I love the one-of-a-kind-ness of it all.  There are millions of corporate stores, but it just doesn't feel like it.  A great neighborhood.  We window shopped and then had lunch at this great Mexican restaurant called Dos Caminos.  If you're in SoHo and you like Mexican then this is the place for you!  It was so fun.

A little background on Becca-she's one of my very best friends.  We met while in school (although it took us about a year to find each other) and have been hanging out ever since.  She was a year ahead of me at UNCG so she's been up in New York for a year.  She's been my New York saving grace--she helped me move into my non air conditioned apt, helped me set everything up, and even ventured with me to Ikea on that hot Memorial Day to find a midbeam for my bed.  Her boyfriend Jesse is a saint as well and was there through all of that craziness too.  In fact, without Jesse I wouldn't have a bed frame.  Wonderful people and I am so proud to call them my friends.

My Real Simple magazine came in the mail today and I am thrilled! Finally!  I missed last month's because of my move.  I'm about to curl up and dive into it.  I can't wait.  I love this magazine and if you've never read it then I suggest you give it a shot.  Be well, friends!

Monday, July 12, 2010

My FENCES experience and the journey to Target!!

48 hours later I am finally ready to tell my loooooooong journey to FENCES--an epic show that closed yesterday (Sunday) on Broadway

So here's the story:  My friend Currie (the Glee star) and myself decided on Saturday night around 10:00 to venture out to the Cort Theatre and try our luck to get some of the last standing room tickets to FENCES.  The show itself has gotten a ton of good press--so many rave reviews and great buzz throughout the city.  PLUS a UNCG alum, Chris Chalk was playing Cory (so exciting!) and so we couldn't pass up on the opportunity to see it.  Currie and I arrived at the theatre at 10:30 Saturday evening and the box office opened at noon on Sunday.  So there we sat.  And we made friends and complained about how much our butts hurt and then on Sunday at noon the box office opened.  The line was halfway down 48th street--so many people hoping to get something!  Beside the standing room tickets there were cancellation tickets along with a some others (or so we assumed--these were all rumors that we heard).  Anyway, the box office opened and the line started moving!  I was the last person to get the last two tickets to the show!!!!  Currie and I both went to try and get some for our friends (4 total).  But...I was the last person!  It was awesome.  Two and a half hours later we saw the show and it was worth every second.  After the show we saw Chris along with the rest of the cast.  They were so great.  Also in attendance at the final performance--SARAH JESSICA PARKER!!!!!!!!!!  Currie and I both almost died.  She was so cute!

Rushing that show was such an awesome experience.    I met some awesome people and saw an incredible show.  It was exhausting, but so worth it.  I would do it again in a second!

Moots is back safely in Greensboro.  Seeing her was so nice and she really seemed to enjoy the city.  We went to the Met one day.  It was gorgeous.  I hadn't been there yet and really enjoyed it.  We also visited Currie at Dylan's Candy Bar.  That store is crazy!  But so much fun and the perfect fit for him!

After getting a good night's rest, Julie and I decided to journey to Target today because we were in need of so many things--cleaning supplies, paper products, etc.  We got on the B train, which took us directly to Target.  It was great.  I LOVE Target.  It's one of my most favorite places.  And I really miss being able to just scoot over there when I need something.  But, I am very grateful that it is so close off the subway.  Because it makes getting it all home so much easier.  So Julie and I went.  And sweated.  And schlepped our stuff all the way across town.  But it's always worth it in the end.

So that's been my few days--FENCES and then Target today.  I needed some time to recoup after waiting outside all night (not complaining!).  Tomorrow I have a meeting for the Fringe--we are planning a party to raise some money!  So excited!  Who doesn't love to party?

Sunday, July 11, 2010



Currie and I were successful on our venture for tickets to see FENCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It was an incredible experience.

I am just now getting home and will tell you all about the entire experience tomorrow!  I can't wait!!

Be well :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010



Currie and I are about to head to the theatre to try and get tickets to FENCES (it's 10:30 pm)...12 hours until the box office opens...are we crazy?  Absolutely.  But we only live once!

I'll keep yo uposted.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Moots Is Here!

My friend Megan (Moots) arrived yesterday from North Carolina.  I couldn't pick her up from the airport because Currie and I (being the geniuses we are) decided to get up super early and stand in line for standing room only tickets to FENCES.  We arrived there to a veryyyyyyy long line and a hot hot summer day.  Megan met up with us while in line and long story short...we didn't see the show.  However, last night we rushed LA CAGE AUX FOLLES and it was EXCELLENT.  If you haven't seen that show you should get out there.  And really, there isn't an excuse to not see theatre these days.  Most Broadway shows offer a rush or lottery to get tickets for $25.  $25 to see a show on Broadway?  You should be RUNNING to get that kind of deal.

We spent the rest of the day showing Megan the city and running around.  And then saw the show and stayed after to meet the cast.  It was great.  But we got home late and stayed up talking even later.  Awesome awesome night, but getting up early this morning was rough.  I had an interview for a job this early morning and I got really excited about it.  It seems like an AWESOME place, but I find out Monday and will keep you posted.  My dear sweet mother is continually staying positive and trying to motivate me--for this I am eternally grateful.  When you run around applying everyone you can get down.  I'm lucky to have family to lift me up again.  Not that I'm even down!  Because I'm not!  I know that there are good things out there and I won't give up.  I'm not a quitter.  Never have been.  And of all times, I do not plan on starting now.

Megan wants to see NEXT TO NORMAL tonight.  I hear that the show is incredible.  Alice Ripley is about to leave and so now is the time to see it!  That's what I love most about New York.  There are so many awesome things to see.  And new shows are always popping up.  That is my favorite thing about New York--people really do love theatre.  It is so awesome.

Here's to good theatre, good friends, and sweet summer nights!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hot Child in the City

It is so damn hot outside!!  Seriously!  I went for a walk today (what was I thinking) and saw this poor dog lead by his mean owner--the dog looked miserable.  If you don't have to be out in the heat then go inside.  And if you are too cheap to spend the money on air conditioning (what are you thinking) then you best be riding the rails or doing something that keeps you cool.

Julie got home this evening.  Julie is my roommate.  I met Julie at the end of my freshman year of college.  I was on run crew for PRIVATE LIVES and she was my stage manager.  She liked me because I was on time and efficient.  I liked her because she was to the point and let me go home when I had done all of the things I needed to do and didn't waste my time.  We became fast friends the following fall when she had to say goodbye to her dog after a bad breakup.  I reached out because I too had just sent me sweet sweet Bella home to Chicago with my parents because my roommates at the time were nuts.  Regardless, that's how we became friends and stayed close.  And then we spent last summer together working at a theatre in southern Indiana.  It was an experience neither of us will never forget, and after it we decided that since we had lived so well in a dorm size room together we would live really well in an apt together where we each got our own rooms.  And so fast forward another year and here we are.  Julie is great and we live well together.  She's one of the new PAs for the touring show of BILLY ELLIOT so if you see that show then you should know my roomie worked on it.

Moots is coming tomorrow to visit for a few days and I can't wait.  Moots lived with me last year (along with 3 other girls to make a house of 5--usually so much fun, but sometimes so much drama).  She's never been to the city before and so we are going to spend some time being tourists and running all over the city.  We are trying to see FENCES tomorrow night with a UNCG alum, Chris Chalk and of course Denzel and Viola!  I'm really hoping that we get tickets.  Currie and I are getting up early in the morning to venture out and make this idea a reality. bed soon...holla!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Celebrating the 4th like a New Yorker

Happy Belated 4th of July to you.  I hope that is was super fab.  The 4th was lovely here in New York.  Hot and clear skies--perfect for fireworks.  I personally missed those last night. I was too busy down at the Seaport having drinks and mingling with friends.  It was odd to me how few people seemed to care that it was the 4th of July.  Usually people are dressed up and so into it.  I was certainly dressed up--a blue and white dress with a red scarf--I couldn't be happier.  But as I sat on the subway and made my down from the Upper West Side to the Seaport I was one of the few that seemed to be celebrating America.  All in all, I had a great day.  I had some drinks and saw some a win win for me.

I spent today working on stuff for the Fringe.  I was asked to do some marketing for a piece that is going up in the New York City Fringe Festival--FringeNYC (check out their website at   For the piece that I am working on I was asked to do it by a group called The 8o'Clocks.  It's a group of alums from UNCG who started this company and Emily Rieder (a playwright/actor and company member) wrote this kick ass play called AS I AM FULLY KNOWN.  Our performance dates are the following:
SAT 8/14 @ 5:15 – 7:15
MON 8/16 @ 5 – 7
THUR 8/19 @ 9:30 – 11:30
FRI 8/27 @ 8 – 10
SUN 8/29 @ 2:30-4:30
All of the performances take place at La Mama Theatre (located at 74 E 4th St) so I do hope that you will join us.

My friend Currie is spending his summer in New York.  He's one of my best friends and plans to be a movie star within the next 10 years so be watching out for him.  Currie and I met during my sophomore year and his freshman year of college.  We weren't fast friends by any means.  In fact, if he were to tell you the story, he would tell you that I started our friendship based on a lie.  Which is not really true. The story goes that our department was playing Assassins and I was trying to lure Currie into someone's trap.   So lie?  Yes.  No.  Maybe.  It was in the name of the game. Currie and I quickly recovered and have spent the past four years talking pop culture, theatre, movies, and just generally anything and everything. This past spring he auditioned to be on "Glee" and I helped him get the word out about it.  His local Fox network from him hometown was looking for their "Next Glee Star" and I thought Currie was it.  So Currie created an audition tape and I made sure anyone and everyone voted for him because the person with the most votes got an opportunity to go to Fox studios, create an audition tape (which was edited by Fox), and then have it sent off to the producers of the show.  I Facebooked, Tweeted, emailed, and just talked to people about this awesome opportunity.  He won the contest and went on to film his audition tape with Fox.  He'll find out later this summer if he gets a callback.  Anyway, like I was saying, Currie's up here for the summer just hangin' out and loving the city.  His mom and brother came up this weekend to see him.  Such lovely people. It great to see them.

What does this Monday night have in store for you?  Personally, I am excited to curl up and watch "The Bachelorette" absolute guilty pleasure.  I just can't get enough it.

I have some friends coming up in the next few weeks so if you have any ideas on fun things to do in the city please let me know!

Keep cool out is sooo damn hot!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day One: Hello, Blog World

And so my blog of New York City living begins.  I would be lying if I said that I hadn't been here a month.  However, I am just unpacked and finally feeling back to normal again so that first month doesn't really count to me.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself--I'm a 22 year old who just graduated from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a degree in Theatre and a minor in Communication Studies.  Currently, I am trying to get an internship with a Casting company.  That's what I want to do--cast people in shows!  Marketing and arts administration are also very intriguing to me.

But...I'm currently unemployed.  And I feel as though I have exhausted every opportunity at employment.  I continue to scour every ad, every Craigslist listing, EVERYTHING in search of something.  And that's how this blog came to be--when talking with my mom about what to do with my time she suggested this blog.  So, thanks mom, for this idea.  Hopefully someone out there will get some enjoyment out of it.

Instead of telling you about every person and every relationship in my life right now I'll just tell you as I go.  As they pop up in my life--like little surprises.

The purpose of this blog is to spend a year talking about New York City--my experiences, observations, and general merriment about the greatest city on earth.  I welcome your comments and look forward to taking this adventure with you!