Greetings from my new place in Brooklyn!! As I think all of you know, I moved just over a month ago.
I wanted to give myself some time to settle in before I gushed about my new digs. But, I've been here a month, and so I feel like I can officially download you on how much I love it here. I'll start at the beginning--
I moved at the end of May. It was a gorgeous day. Not too hot, like I was dreading. My movers (there were 3!) came at the very last minute. And while I stressed that I wouldn't get out before the designated time (according to my former building), I tried to keep the mood light. I couldn't make them move any faster--it was out of my control--so I kept the mood as light as possible and asked questions about where they were from, what they wanted out of New York, and cheered them on as they moved boxes out of my apartment and into the truck. They said they would be fast, and they were--a half hour later they were headed out. And so I said goodbye to Julie, which was just weird. I was sad and the moment just kind of passed us by. I walked away feeling weird and unsettled. I couldn't fathom not coming home to her anymore. For a few days after it felt like vacation and that I was returning shortly. When my movers arrived in Brooklyn, they stacked my boxes in the corner of the living room, put my bed together, placed my furniture in the places I had requested, and left. And it was silent. Soon after my darling Super knocked on my door with a tool bag inquiring if I had an air conditioner that needed installation. What a gem. Yes, I did, and it was so appreciated. The warm fuzzies on being in the right place overtook me and I felt calm. After my Super, Alex, left I found myself ready to set up camp for the night. I showered, opened my DVDs box, hooked up my television, and was asleep before I knew it. I remember telling Sam that night that I was so excited for his arrival. The week went quickly and Sam was here before I knew it. When he arrived that Sunday morning, I hugged him and breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. Long distance was soon to become a memory, a thing we did for a year, and we were done!! I was so happy to see him. Sam and his dad drove through the night and were exhausted when they arrived. But, like troopers, we all unloaded the car and stacked Sam's boxes next to mine in the living room. That's a lot of boxes. Sam's dad turned around almost immediately leaving us to our apartment. Our apartment!! We were giddy to get it set up and unpacked, which was a good thing because we had quite a lot to do. As ambitious as we both are, I think it's safe to say we bit off more than we could chew, but powered through! We painted our kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedroom. Yep. In the heat and humidity we did it, and we didn't kill each other. Miracles happen, y'all! With a painted apartment, which did not happen overnight, we began unpacking. We did the kitchen first. And then the bathroom. Followed by the living room. And then finally the bedroom. We ended on my closet--a project I was dreading (dreading is an understatement), but with Sam's ninja skills everything fit with room to spare. I have no idea how, but it did. And so--we've arrived.
Somewhere within all of that I directed a staged reading of AS I AM FULLY KNOWN, the play I worked on last summer, which was part of The New York Fringe Festival. It was a great experience and I learned a lot about myself as a director as well as working with actors and the playwright. I was so happy that I was able to re-visit the script because I think it's terrific and has an incredible message that reads to so many audiences and generations. It felt good to be working on that script again.
The summer has been filled with a lot of wonderful things. After the 3 weeks of rain and cold, it's been gorgeous here. Warm days filled with sunshine and blue skies, which never cease to amaze me and make me feel incredibly grateful. Sam and I spend our time seeing friends, perusing farmer's markets, and cooking. The farmer's markets in this city amaze me, and I just can't get enough of them. I love supporting local business and there is nothing sweeter than a home grown strawberry. Beyond that, our lives are pretty boring, which is wonderful. I've been busy with work, Project Rushmore, and working with a friend to plan a show; Sam got a job quickly (not surprising) and has been in rehearsals for Triad Stage's THE SUNSET LIMITED, which will be performed in Boone this weekend. And, other than that, Sam and I just spend time together. We're still exploring our neighborhood and enjoying being able to come home to each other each day. I learned a lot about myself doing long distance. I learned a lot about Sam too. It's hard, but if you love someone, completely worth it. I am really proud of us, and when people ask, I don't hesitate to tell them what we struggled with and insight on how we stayed connected and made sure we saw each other as often as possible. As Sam would say, it could always be worse. And so, in coming out of that year, I am so grateful to come home to him.
I'm excited for what's to come--for more summer nights, more farmer's markets, and the presence of great company.
I hope you're having the most lovely summer. There is so much simplicity to be discovered--go out and live it before it passes you by.
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