Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One Of Those Days

Do you ever have one of those days where it all seems to click?  Things just come easy.  I feel like some people live their whole lives this way, while I on the other hand cherish days like this.  For me, it consisted of not waiting for the subway this morning, being early to work, and just clipping right through the day.  I had decided a few days ago that I was going to treat myself to a pedicure today.  It's something my mom taught me, and I think it was a really good lesson.  A pedicure?  Yes.  But the act of treating yourself every once in awhile.  On a bad day her cure is a new lipstick (or lip gloss as I prefer), and it really does make your day so much better.  But sometimes you just have to do something for yourself for no reason at all.  Well, today was that day for me.  I've been working my little heart out lately.  And although I'm not complaining (seriously, I'm not), I'm exhausted!  So...having this to look forward to has gotten me through the weekend and this week.

Usually on one of these days where it all seems to click I have one of those serendipitous days where the clouds part and I connect with someone who rattles my cage a little and reminds me to be present and living each day...

...and that also happened today.  While having this amazing pedicure.

The woman zipped in and sat down right next to me.  She chose a color that frankly, I judged a little.  It's no longer summer--it's time for those rich fall colors and she had some bright poppy pink polish.  A summer staple in my book...but in the first week of October?  Go for something dark!  It's fun!  Anyway, she got herself situated and turned to me and struck up a conversation.  I'll admit, I was a little shocked.  While normally this wouldn't have phased me, I've found that people in New York don't feel the same.  And so I've kept my chit chat with subway strangers and people on the street to a minimum.  Not this lady.  And so we talked and talked and talked.  This woman started her own fabric company 3 years ago and just signed with D & D...apparently a big wig in NYC.  She told me about how it started out of a need to cover a chair for her daughter and just exploded into this whole thing.  Her story was inspiring and she was so humble (my favorite part).  I walked away from that pedicure with a book added to my list and, more importantly, a reminder to take the time to talk to people.  Let's be honest: what does it hurt us?  And at the end of the day we're all working toward something.  Why not encourage each other in their endeavor?

So a big thanks to Mrs. F--thank you for reminding me just how much a warm smile and a hello can brighten someone's day.  And thank you for reminding me to listen to my soul and to always be willing to try something new--who knows where it will lead?

1 comment:

  1. kudos to mrs.f...and to you for listening! and to your mom for teaching you the value of yourself-we all deserve a little treat now and then

    angel eyes
