Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Fever in NYC

Spring is/almost/has/will spring/sprung.  It's taking its time, but we're all more than ready for it.  We have some great days--sunshine and 60 degrees days, and then we have some not-so-good days--40 degrees and looking like it's about to rain.  Lately, it's been that way--cold; wet; awful.  But, what keeps all of us going is the fact that we've all gotten a little taste of what's next.  Personally, I am so excited.  I haven't wanted spring this bad in a very long time.  And, coming from North Carolina, this shouldn't be a surprise.  I'm craving sunshine and dresses and sitting outside.  It will be here so soon!  

With spring in the air, I am coming upon a whole year of living in New York City!  Whew, time flies.  But it's been an incredible year.  I went after stuff, jumped in, and (for the most part) didn't hold back.  I say for the most part, because I did hold back at first.  I was scared and confused. But I trusted my gut.  

I've always trusted my gut.  

I feel like life has funny way of giving you what you need right when you need it.  You may not always realize it at the moment, but upon reflection things are always clearer.  It's when things are fuzzy and my brain is spinning out of control that I find myself stopping to listen to my gut.  It's what lead me here.  I feel like I have a lot to say about my first year in New York City, but I don't know if I'm ready to say it yet.  And, technically, it hasn't been a year.  I will say that I am proud of myself.  And incredibly grateful for a wonderful boyfriend, my family of cheerleaders who always made me feel like I was in the right place, and the most supportive friends I could have ever wished for.   

I have a lot of lovely things coming up that I am so excited about and want to share--

Sam and I are moving in together!!  Oh me oh my I am so delighted I could just jump up and dance telling you about it!  We'll be living in the most lovely apartment and I don't think we could be more excited.  Our neighborhood is lined with trees and has the cutest shops--here's to small business!!  We're moving into a one bedroom and it's wonderful!  After we've moved in I will post pictures for y'all to see.  With Sam and I moving in, that does mean I'll be saying goodbye to the UWS and my roommate, Julie, which I am really sad about.  Julie and I made this move together and she has been the best roommate.  I am so sad to leave her and will so miss our "stuff"--you know, the stuff you and your roommate do?  For Julie and myself it's long late night chats, "Nurse Jackie", and girly stuff.  

My mom is coming next weekend and I am so excited!  She's the reason that I haven't started packing my current apartment (Mom, I want you to see!).  I have no idea what we'll do, but we'll find something--we're good at that.  I'm excited to take my mom around the city and show her what I've been calling home for the last 11 months.  

The beginning of May is exciting as well--Sam is graduating and UNCG is coming to New York City for their annual Industry Showcase.  I love UNCG more than what's normal, but I just had so much fun while I was there that I can't help but be its biggest cheerleader.  I'm so excited to see faculty and cheer on the Class of 2011.  It's a great group of people and I am so proud to be an alum. 

In June I'm directing a staged reading and I couldn't be more excited.  I have already started work on the script and am thrilled that I'm being trusted to take this on!  I'm excited to create and explore and play.  

Looking ahead to what spring and summer hold I feel nothing less than blessed.  The opportunity to spend time with people and projects that are so very special to me.  I am excited to celebrate and rejoice at life and love and bliss in all its forms.  I encourage you to look into your soul and listen to what you need.  For me the other day, it was a long walk and I came out of it feeling like a new person.  We need to listen to our guts, to what makes us happy and pursue it.  Love and creativity feed my soul and that's what I will continue to pursue.  I hope you find what makes you happiest and go after it with your everything.  If you hesitate, it might just pass you by.